Stract Gossip Machine (brought to you by Calishat)
Stract Gossip Machine uses Wikipedia page views to find days in a year that a Wikipedia page topic (person, place, thing, event, whatever) got an unusual number of views. It then searches
Stract for Web pages from that specific date.
Please note that the lower the average daily pageviews, the more chance there is of no results or irrelevant results.
4000 avg pageviews will give you decent results. 311 page views a day is not as likely.
To start, you'll need a Wikipedia page to search. Use the form below to search Wikipedia for titles by keyword. The first result will appear in the "Selected Page" area, but you can change that by selecting another
option from the drop down menu of results. Once you're happy with your Wikipedia page choice, choose a year from the drop-down menu and click Fetch Data. You'll see a list of high-traffic dates for that page as expressed by Z-score.
From there you'll be able to search Google News for that topic on that specific date (a result page will open in a new window) or you can click a button and get Stract search results for that date right on the page.
Need ideas to try? Rudy Giuliani in 2019. Donald Trump in 2021. Queen Elizabeth II in 2022. Tina Turner in 2023. I wouldn't try anything in the current year as Stract (understandably) does not index as quickly as Google. Each
date has a link to search Google News in a new tab as a second option if you get no results from Stract.