Temporal Topic Explorer

The Temporal Topic Explorer uses the Stract Search API, the practice of putting dates in URLs, and the inurl: search syntax to find news articles across all days of a month. TTE then analyzes each day's set of results to determine the most popular title words and presents those to you in a list for each day. Click on a keyword to see the articles matching that keyword for that day. Each day's list also has a button for displaying all articles found for a day. Finally, after the search is completed you'll have the opportunity to search all stories in a month by title keyword.

Stract is smaller and does not index as quickly as Google, so I recommend starting your searches with dates that are at least five to six months previous. (Both the year and the month should be expressed as numbers) Some interesting searches to try are coronavirus in 04 / 2020, Donald Trump in 01 / 2021, or King Charles in 09 / 2022. The further back you go the fewer results you'll get, but I have gotten reasonable results as far back as 2000.

Please note that this iteration of TTE pulls up to 300 results per day of the month, and there's some rate-limiting to be respectful to the API. This program takes a few moments to fetch results, but you will be able to track the process day by day.